Lily Allen, The Fear Print
New Singles - Commercial Pap Singles
Written by Administrator   

Lily Allen has always had great potential. However, apart from her live performances which are invariably entertaining, her music has always fallen short of being truly memorable.

Her songs, despite their rants about the world, feel as though they would be more at home on Play School.

But Lily’s new release, ‘The Fear’, is different.  This song is clever pop, rather than a tirade against bank managers and politicians.  Admittedly, it is difficult to glean what the lyrics actually mean.  Is it self-deprecation, irony or perhaps just vanity?  It is probably too early to tell.  However, one thing is certain; from lyrics such as, "I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless, ‘cause everyone knows that's how you get famous, I'll look at The Sun and I'll look in The Mirror, I'm on the right track", Lily sounds as if she is now aware that she is playing “the fame game” and that it is part of the reason for her success.  It is arrogant, but insightful.

‘The Fear’ certainly is not groundbreaking, but it has enough substance to be more interesting than just another commercial pop song.
