Maria Taylor - Lady Luck Print
New Albums - Rock & Indie Rock Albums
Written by TK   

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It is an unusual thing to find a female vocalist with real guts these days.  In the age of television talent quests and quick-fire commercial releases, you are often left wondering whatever happened to actual music talent.

Ms. Taylor shatters the modern inclination towards tinny tunes without depth.  Her album, "Lady Luck", is like finding a treasure chest in an industrial estate.  It is alternative sounding yet not without commercial appeal.  

Beginning with the blissful title track, the album lifts with the uplifting and redemptive "Time Lapse Lifetime".  Featuring the deeply personal lyrics,"Oh, we dreamed a life / and it was just like that, and just like that it's gone", it is in this track that Ms. Taylor's obvious propensity towards self-reflection in her lyrics is exemplified.  "Time Lapse Lifetime" also reflects Ms. Taylor's love of soaring strings and punchy melodies. 

Further, with tracks like "Cartoons and Forever Plans" and "My Favourite... Love", you cannot help mistake thinking that Ms. Taylor is the female version of Damien Rice.  She is equally obsessed with the themes of love, personal growth and relationships as Mr Rice.  And she has, at least and if not more, music talent.  She is also infinitely more upbeat in tone, no hard task really!    

It is a pleasure to hear a female singer with substance.  Ms. Taylor is a rare talent. 
